How to pay/process order in xhelper app

In this post, I will show you how to pay order or receive an order. You can learn the process of paying orders also how to improve your daily income source. please read carefully and follow all steps.

Introduction to xhelper platform orders

why pay an order And what benefit does the Xhelper app have?

The ordering process on the x helper apk / x helper app platform is straightforward. what could be the easiest task for you? Our orders are for payouts and collections. Operating the payout order is all required; the collection order must not be monitored. One percent of the total order value will come from both orders. You will get an extra 100 rupees in the payout sequence.

With 10 orders or more a day, a bank card can earn between 1000 to 2000 rupees per day or roughly 50000 rupees per month.

How to operate the order in xhelper app/apk

step by step

1. start receiving order

First of all, you need to enable order taking, click the receiving button to enter the order-receiving page, And click the start button to start the order-receiving. The system will assign the order to you.

If you do not want to receive the order click the button to stop if need to order then again click to start button to receive the order. surely it is work according to you.

when you start or stop receiving orders, you will be noticed when there are any orders in telegram. You must successfully bind in telegram ( xhelper2022Robot )

2. when you receive a payment order

The review button below will have a red number And you will also receive a system message promoting you.

when you receive any order you receive a notification from Telegram and also in xhelper money transfer app then this type of notification you get in xhelper app. like, click here and process the order at the right time. given below

3. Transfer money on your bank app

Click on the review button and start processing the order. Be sure to use the banking app corresponding to your account to complete the transfer, Make sure that you are using the right bank app.

For example if “your account” is a Kotak, do not use another bank app to process the order. do not try to use UPI payment but use only money transfers from the banking app.

Be sure that if you receive an order in the axis bank you can process the order in the axis.

4. Upload a screenshot and UTR

when you complete the money transfer operations. choose to upload the success or error of the screenshot according to the transfer results. after that, the xhelper app team or system will automatically confirm the order result which takes a few minutes to confirm your complete order.

if your order is successful then you share a screenshot like this, given below photo
And when you upload a screenshot then you get this type of notification in x helper. that means a few minutes to check your complete order for verification. like the picture below.

5. Check your income

After the order and with completed then the x helper or xhelper system confirms the order results in success the corresponding reward will be issued to you in your xhelper earning app. You can check the reward history in the account section menu of the xhelper app.

Here is, how many orders are completed in a day. you can check in the summary section. Also, all the details are bounty, bounty plus, income money, punishment, and so many things available in this picture below.

Here is, this picture, shows how much money received in your bank that bounty counts, and after the order completed PlusBounty count, (Bounty and PlusBounty is your actual income).

This picture shows which times you receive an order and how many to take to complete your order. And also have real order amounts. if you complete the order in 5 minutes then you receive a 100% bounty count this is your income money

Some things to be note

1Payout orders is time sensitive, and the timeline of payment order processing is very important.
bounty and plus bounty for each order will be discounted with the processing time.
The faster you process your income orders the higher your income will be.
2Do not misunderstanding the amount of payment. For example, if 13004 is regarded as 13044 this is the amount
But if your amount is filled wrong, xhelper team will have a certain
penalty and that amount penalty will be deducted from your income.
3Use the bank app corresponding to the order if you have multiple bank cards in xhelper money transfer app
for business, Please be careful not to confuse the bank app that needs to be paid. and there will be penalties for mistakes.
4Priority is given to using IMPS
or To pay over UPI
if you receive an orders for IMPS then pay the order in IMPS.
if you have received the order to pay UPI then you should pay in UPI.
5Report errorReport error when new bank card is limited
6Report error when the transaction limited maximum amountReport error, when the bank suggests you try a lower amount the platform will give you new orders.
7Report error when the new bank card is limitedNew cards can only do one transaction in 24 hours, new cards
first transaction amount limit. Report error you use a new bank
card and payment failed. after that the x helper earning app
will give new orders the next day.
If you make any mistake you will be punished and it will affect your daily income. Please handle the order carefully and don’t make mistakes.

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